If you would prefer, you can watch directly on YouTube. CiT Network or Rational Alchemy.
Please subscribe to Captn's Lounge CIT network on YouTube. Rational Alchemy / CIT Network
To see our shows that came under the Captn's Lounge on YouTube. Captn's Lounge Studios
Welcome to the Captns Lounge Studios Welcome back my friends To the show that never ends We're so glad you could attend Step Inside, Step Inside Sit back and enjoy our thought provoking shows.

Captn's Lounge is a grassroots organization located in scenic Colorado, just north of Denver. A full description of the Studio is under the Main Menu - About Us
For all shows that have been recorded at the Captn's Lounge Studio they are listed under the Captn's Lounge - Shows menu on the left. (No, the other left!). On the menu you'll see "All Our Shows", from there you can browse and watch our videos.
BTW - If you would like to be interviewed at Captn's Lounge have a quick gander at the video and then drop me a line at: nigel.aves@gmail.com
Talking head explaining what we are looking for in interviewees. My first recording at the Captn's Lounge.
Brief Description of shows.
CiT Network - Curmudgeon in Training - All new shows are being posted on YouTube under this banner.
Actors Take - Group of Actors hosted by Nigel Aves discussing topics about being in front of the lights.
What a Directors Needs - Group of Directors hosted by Greg Winkler covering topics from behind the lights.
Rational Alchemy - Hosted by Nigel Aves. A series of videos covering topics from modeling, photograph, statistics all the way to religion and everything in between.
Theatre on Mondays - Hosted by Greg Winkler. A series of videos showing actors / directors talking to a live audience.
Over The Edge - Me (Nigel Aves) having a rant ...
Newsworthy Series - Read All About It!
Mis-cel-la-ne-ous - Lots of different videos covering performance art.
Futurartist Records - Hosted by Michael Hartsock. Discussing all things related to music .....
Swing - the web series. - These videos actually have nothing to do with Captn's Lounge. But as my daughter Alex wrote and acted in this, I put it here!
Please note.
Do YOU have something that you would like to discuss / talk about / argue over ...? If you do, please do not hesitate to contact the Captns Lounge Studios, Longmont, Colorado.
Look in contacts and write to Nigel or T.G - Contact Us From This Link!
The original theme music
for Rational Alchemy
Composed and sung by:
Ben Prytherch
You may well be wondering why I (Nigel) have added a section (see menu) called "The Trials of Oz". It's really because this one trial reshaped, once and for all,
how the antiquated obscene laws were so out of date with how society had changed on the way it looked at sex. I personally thought this was apt because of what is happening right now in Republican states that are introducing book banning in schools. I don't think that these so-called lawmakers actually understand a thing about kids. The trial was a shame.

Anyways, that's a topic that we should discuss on Rational Alchemy. So, suppose you would like to delve into the history of Oz magazine. What actually happened to Richard Neville, Jim Anderson, and Felix Dennis over the "Schoolkids Edition of Oz", there's a lot here to take in.
If you find this all as fascinating as I did (BTW, I painted on my car "Free Oz"), there's also a really good book on the subject. If you click the link below, it will take you to Amazon, where you can purchase it or better yet, read it for free (and free is good!). I should probably warn you that today if this were a movie, it would probably be classified as NC-17!
The book contains very graphic descriptions and commentary. What surprised me is that although the court is told throughout the trial that it was designed and created by "School Kids," no one (judge included) wanted to listen. The deafness of the judicial system.
But, first if you click this link, Take me to the entire magazine that caused the longest obscene trial in UK law.
Purchase or read for free on a kindle (Amazon), "The Trials of Oz" from Amazon"
I decided to look into the differences between "chatGPT" and Googles new "Bard". These are both (supposedly) AI driven. The results really surprised me, I thought that the older more mature chatGPT would win this hands down, was I wrong! Here is the link: chatGPT verses Bard
Now, we all know that nothing is a 100% fool proof. The problem is that people nowadays are far to quick to believe what they read on the Internet. One only has to look at how people believe in the conspiracy theories (garbage) that seems to be driving the far right of the Republican party. Link: Why do AIs make mistakes.
Title: "F" the Creationists.